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Rules for saving water

Good habits and rules for saving water and building automation today represent the solution to one of the most serious emergencies on our planet. Drought and scarcity of water resources require us to use consciously this exhaustible resource.

Italy appears to be one of the countries in the world with the highest water consumption, especially in the civilian sphere.

The shortage of rain in recent years, the damage caused by sudden rainfall on dry soils, the decrease in the flow rate of rivers and ponds are becoming more and more often the cause of complex conditions such as rationing on water distribution.

There are many reasons associated with the need to save water:

  • save the energy used to heat the water in the shower, bathroom, kitchen and for cleaning;
  • limit waste water rich in pollutants for the environment;
  • do not subtract water from the soil, but leave it at the disposal of the plants;
  • reduce waste and CO2 emissions associated with food and industrial production;
  • save on costs.

Basically, saving water offers us prospects for a better life, in a healthy environment and a state of global well-being, even economically.

Let’s find out how to do it.


A little attention and good habits in daily life can bring obvious long-term benefits, not just to ourselves. In fact, individual habits have a short or long-term repercussion on all the balances of our planet.

We list the 9 most important habits, recognizing that each of them falls under our responsibility.

  1. Turn off the water when not needed, for example while brushing our teeth, soaping up or washing. This simple gesture allows us to save a significant amount of liters of water per year, with positive repercussions on the environment and on the domestic economy. If we consider that the supply of water per minute from a home tap is between 8 and 10 liters, it is not difficult to assume how useful this small gesture is.
  2. Installing the nozzle on mixers is an easy way to reduce water consumption by up to 50%. Let’s imagine how much this can affect the water consumption of a family with at least three members. In fact, the nozzle mixes air and water, making the delivery appear intense and abundant as from a common tap.
  3. Having a shower instead of a bath, always remembering to close the mixer while soaping, reduces consumption by up to 75%.
  4. Choosing a toilet with a dual flush represents a significant water saving. The double button flush toilets allow you to select the amount of water you really need without wasting. While waiting to change the toilet cistern, it is also possible to fill it with any object that reduces its capacity and therefore the volume of water discharged.
  5. Reusing the water from air conditioners and dehumidifiers to wash floors or the car can be a good idea to save water. Or we can choose to use the fruit and vegetable wash water to water our roof garden.
  6. Wash inside a basin. Washing fruit and vegetables or even the dishes inside a basin, instead of running the water, allows a considerable saving of water.
  7. Collecting water as it becomes hot also saves significant amounts of this precious resource. The cold and warm water set aside can be used to water the plant or to do house cleaning.
  8. Turn on the washing machines when it is as full as possible. If we count that a washing machine or dishwasher consumes on average between 80 and 120 liters of water per wash regardless of how full they are, we know the importance of using them at full load. Some models offer the possibility of half-load washing, a very All these good habits become meaningless if we do not pay attention to the possible leaks of water pipes and systems within the home, office and environments for which we are responsible. In these cases, the intervention of a plumber and the replacement of any damaged parts avoids leaks and major damage.advantageous option to be evaluated already at the time of purchase.
  9. These good habits will be without sense not paying attention to the possible leakage of plumbing and water systems inside the home, office and environment of which we are responsible. In these cases the plumber’s intervention will avoid losses and any major damage.

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Combining good habits with careful prevention is an almost perfect way to save water.

Preventing the damage caused by wasting water means paying attention to the possible causes, before they become a real problem.

Damage from water leaks are not so rare and heavily affect the general conditions of solidity and health of the building in which they occur. For example, a trivial loss of water can infiltrate the walls, creating annoying molds and jeopardizing their robustness over time.

To limit the problems caused by water leaks and at the same time save this precious resource, it is important to know the most frequent causes of a leak and to prevent them.

Among the most common causes of domestic water leaks we must mention faults in the pipes of household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, or in some connecting pipes. It is essential to periodically check its robustness and integrity.

Even old drain pipes represent a possible cause of water waste. Worn or corroded pipes will sooner or later face an inevitable loss of water.

A worn boiler can be a risk. Over the years, pipes and gaskets get damaged or the tank breaks, causing over time huge leaks

You must also beware of bad habits such as spilling oils, fats or food scraps into the sink drain that end up clogging the pipes. The same goes for clogged downspouts. In these cases, immediate maintenance avoids unnecessary waste and helps in our intent to save water.

Finally, the climate may not be our ally. In places exposed to heavy rains and snowfalls, the pipes undergo a strong pressure that they are not always able to withstand, breaking in one or more points.


Fortunately, building automation provides us with devices capable of implementing real savings strategies.

Thanks to devices such as ELTEK’s E-WATERBLOCK it is possible to monitor environments and consumptions regularly, and to report any anomaly in real time.

This smart device requires no electricity and no maintenance. Once installed upstream of the water connection, it signals any critical issues and interrupts the flow of water pending technical intervention.

Particularly suitable for all places where human presence is not continuous (e.g. offices, shops, etc.), it allows saving water in an absolutely simple and ecological way, reducing the risk of damage to the buildings involved

E-WATERBLOCK can be also installed in machines for dispensing drinks, coffee, ice and can be remotely monitored via App, also giving access to a 12-month consumption history. It goes without saying that in addition to safety, it also allows developing an important awareness of your consumption.


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